Why a Climate-Smart comprehensive Plan?

Through earlier planning processes and use of recent data, the Town of Hatfield recognizes that climate change presents serious challenges given the extended shorelines along the Connecticut River and Mill River, and a local economy based largely on farming.   Flooding and the greater extremes between downpours and droughts are of particular concern.  These changes threaten Town Center infrastructure with flooding and present far greater difficulty to farms when crops are destroyed by too much or too little rainfall.  Increasing heat and shifting species distributions are posing additional local challenges. 

The Climate Smart Comprehensive Plan builds on the groundwork established  through previous planning efforts in Hatfield, including the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) and Hazard Mitigation plans.  It will include a future vision with key actions for responding to climate challenges relative to Hatfield’s many facets:  Land Use, Housing, Health and Social Environment, Farming, Economic Development, Historic and Cultural Resources, Natural Resources, Open Space, and Recreation, Transportation and Mobility, and Facilities and Services.


The Hatfield Comprehensive Plan Committee

Comprehensive Plan Committee Co-Chairs
Micki Sanderson, Historical Commission
Shawn Robinson, Council on Aging
Mike Bartlett, Community Preservation Committee
Angelica Dewey, Open Space Committee
David Keir, At Large
Luke Longstreeth, Conservation Commisssion
Christopher Smith, Redevelopment Committee
Garret Barry, Public Works
Rebecca Bench, School Committee
Julia Frisby, At Large
Jon Kostek, Recreation Committee
John Pease, Agricultural Commission
Stephanie Slysz, Planning Board
Jalil Johnson, At Large

For more information on the Hatfield Comprehensive Plan, contact

Kenneth Comia, AICP, Deputy Director Land Use and Environment, kcomia@pvpc.org

Patty Gambarini, Chief Environment Planner, pgambarini@pvpc.org

Pioneer Valley Planning Commission

60 Congress Street - Floor 1

Springfield, MA 01104
